The future is wild wiki

Descended from sea slugs, these are 2m long and shaped like a giant teardrop. Swimming using a series of wings along their flanks, they patrol the shallow seas hunting for ocean phantoms. They have keen eyesight and can also sense chemical changes in the water.


Reef gliders, shaped like four meter teardrops, sweep through the seas. They swim from reef to reef, carrying the reef algae’s reproductive cells as bees carry pollen. Like their ancestors they are brightly coloured, their gills flowing behind them in a train of silky fibres, like the tail of a bird of paradise.

The reef gliders head sports a pattern of bumpy, scent-detecting chemical receptors, called rhinophores. These give them an excellent sense of smell, which enable them to track down food in the water. Groups of eyes on stalks give them the ability to see in all directions.


Young reef gliders act as pollinators as they go flit amongst the algae. Reaching in to the algae cups to feed, they emerge with sticky strands of reproductive cells, which they then deposit when visiting another cup.

Adult reef gliders are carnivorous and eat meat.


Not known.

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